Get to know us
Who we are
The fast-paced team of cross-disciplined consultants
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
LEVENTO was born as a child of creativity from needs to establish a community umbrella/organization where multi-discipline talent and creative madness could hold space, be nourished, and interact for business purposes.
Team of
Game Changers
The fast-paced team of cross-disciplined consultants
"Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas."
Our creative geniuses range from app developers, analysts, business coaches, business developers, coders, content managers & producers, copywriters, designers, event organizers, gamers, hackers, infosec experts, mathematicians, marketers, music producers, online business optimizers, photographers, product developers, public speakers, UI & UX developers, and videographers. Meet some of our continuous team members engaged in different projects.

Lucas Vasile
Growth Hacker
Applying my skills for social good. Pursuing my passion into the field of digitalization. Hungry for knowledge and to learn more. Seeking transparency and better understanding into transformation of societies through innovation. Strategic mind thought and thaught for flexible environments that require an analytic mind for deilvering pre-set goals under high pressure. “There are no problems only solutions.”

Sanna Quist
Growth Hacker
(marketing coordinator)
With a creative and structured mindset I use my skillsets of working with details for both strategic and operative tasks. With a passion for creation and a strong drive to evolve I find motivation and thrive in high pressure environments. I see solutions rather than problems and deliver results needed to accomplish the tasks at hand.

Luca Știrbat
New Talent Liaison
(Creative Motion)
Young tech entrepreneur with a passion for disruptive design. His Creative Motion team sparkles detail, detail, detail in every corner. An inspring soul and leader of his own “tribe of creatives”. He faces any challenge with and impressive attitude of accomplishments. A general and a special forces commando at the same time with a task delivery system out of this world.

Stefan Eremia
Content Deployment
Joining the team of fast paced consultants at LEVENTO as a “digital nomad” with geeky roots in the gambling industry where math is on-the-go, service is “101” and passion for accumulating knowledge with foresight is characteristic.
The Interns

Mattias Liljenberg
App Developer
(MY Intern - LIA completed VG+)
Hard working MY student that applied his skills in guidance for releasing an MVP, iOS and Android application, for LEVENTOs client. With a background that differentiates itself from the other team members, Mattias is always going to stick out as one of the most hungry members of the team always wanting all tasks to be done in the most efficient timely manner.

Staffan Ljungqvist
App Developer
(MY Intern - LIA completed VG+)
Hard working MY student that applied his skills at LEVENTO for releasing an MVP, iOS and Android application, for LEVENTOs client. Staffan completed his LIA at LEVENTO with VG+ and is now engaged in Stockholm. Reach out to Staffan through his LinekdIn to grab his go-getter mentality that is phenomenal.

Teodor Gustavsson
Full stack developer
(NTI Intern - APL completed)
Teo completed his internship with flying colours. He now continues his studies pursuing to be be a full stack developer. He is well versed in the programming languages that are used for full stack development (HTML, CSS, PHP, mySQL & Js).
The allies
As an initial consultant for a mutual clients needs, our relationship has grown into a full on referral partnership where we leverage each others strengths.
The crazy, wonderful and joyful team of LEVENTO brings joy, knowledge and talent to the community as they interact high and low with incredible social skills, rippling fearless impressions of a diversified talent.
LEVENTO is providing our students an excellent internship environment enabling proof of work as a next step in their careers, but also enabling them to receive their certification for completion of studies.
LEVENTO is a client, collaborator and a Scandinavian mentor that we share Romanian roots with, but also a deeper mindset in the realm of digital creatives.
Sharing physical spaces with the caffein mad men at LEVENTO tends to push ones perceptions of any imaginable limits when it comes to digital tasks that need to be executed and delivered. There seems to be an everlasting nuclear energy reactor hard coded in their bone marrow.
We are their second home where digital nomads gather, escaping grey dark weather into the sunshine, but never lose their aura of creativity. We also extend other services to LEVENTO that help them close digital loops efficiently.